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Harper County 911

115 E Steadman

Anthony, KS 67003

(620) 842-3086

Chris Cintron, Director

When should you call 911?

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Service Area

We provide dispatch service to:

  • Anthony Police Department and Fire Department

  • Anthony Utilities

  • Attica Police and Fire Department

  • Harper Police and Fire Department

  • Harper County EMS

  • Harper County Sheriff's Department

  • Harper County Emergency Management

  • Other agencies will utilize the radio frequencies in Harper County as needed (Kansas Highway Patrol, Kansas Wildlife & Parks, etc.)

Call Lines

We manage:

  • Four 911 land-lines

  • Two 911 wireless trunks

  • One Text -to- 911 line

  • One alarm line to receive calls directly from alarm monitoring centers

  • One crime stoppers line for anonymous calls about criminal activity

  • Two administrative lines: one for officers and the dispatch line for non-emergency calls from the general public

We are responsible for answering these lines 24/7.

Radio Console

The radio consoles in Harper County Emergency Communications utilize multiple channels on both UHF and 800  frequencies.

We also have the ability to monitor surrounding counties radio transmissions to support mutual aid response when needed. 


Harper County Emergency Communications employees one director, five full-time and one part-time telecommunicators.  The majority of the twelve hour shifts four of the  full-time telecommunicators work are worked alone.  The fifth full-time person serves as the Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC) and provides coverage for the other four.  The part-time person works as needed for coverage.

All staff are required to go through extensive training consisting of:

  • Four months of Basic Recruit Training (in-house training)

  • APCO Public Safety Telecommunicator

  • APCO Emergency Medical Dispatcher

  • FEMA ICS 100

  • FEMA ICS 144

  • FEMA ICS 200

  • FEMA ICS 241

  • FEMA ICS 317

  • FEMA ICS 700

  • Tele-communicator Best Practices for Missing or Abducted Children

  • CPR

Only upon successful completion of all required training are staff allowed to work the console in a solo status.  Once they reach solo status, they are required to complete no less than twelve hours of continuing education yearly.


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Are you prepared for when an emergency happens?

Moreover, people are aware they should call 9-1-1 in an emergency situation, but are less aware of what to expect and what they can do to expedite response.   In some instances, seconds can make the difference between life and death.   Let's look at some things you and your family can to do assist responders in getting to you quickly:

  • Know your physical address 

    • If you are calling from a location other than your residence or business, look around for a landmark or cross streets.

    • Teach children the address as soon as possible.  The emergency may require them to call 9-1-1 for you.

  • Make sure your address is clearly displayed in front of your residence or business

    • Numbers should be at least 3" tall

    • Place the numbers under a lighting source with a contrasting background to be clearly visible at night

    • If the numbers are posted on a mailbox post or similar object, post them on both sides

    • Keep trees, shrubs and flowers trimmed so they do not block the numbers

    • Number should be visible from the street

      • If the house is not visible from the street, clearly post the numbers at the entrance of the driveway, on a mailbox post, etc.

      • If you live in an area where mailboxes are shared or clustered, also mark your address at your driveway

  • Ensure your address has been recorded with the local property appraiser/GIS department

  • Test it out

    • Pretend you have never been to your house, drive it from both directions during daylight and in the dark to see how visible your address is from the road

  • For additional addressing information visit: 10 Steps to properly display your 9-1-1 Address

Calling for assistance

The firs step in determining whether to call 9-1-1 or to call a non-emergency lines is whether the situation is an emergency.  Emergencies are generally going to be situations that threaten safety, life or property and require immediate response.  Non-emergency calls are generally going to be situations that are delayed or do not involve imminent injury, loss of life or loss of property.

If you are not sure whether your call is an emergency or not, call 9-1-1!

Some examples of non-emergency calls would be (but are not limited to):

  • Control burns - requests for authorization to burn

  • Cattle out - if the cattle are not currently in the roadway causing a traffic hazard

  • Phone scams

  • Events that are delayed by several hours or even days (burglaries, thefts, etc., that did not just occur or currently in progress)

  • Requests to speak to an officer/deputy about a situation previously reported or general questions

  • Utility outage reporting - unless you have medical equipment that is dependent on electricity to operate

Some examples of emergency calls would be (but are not limited to):
  • Any medical calls

  • Any fire calls

  • Crimes in progress or just occurred

  • Motor vehicle accidents - involving injury or road blockage​​

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When you call or text  9-1-1 or the non-emergency number, have the following information ready (for all call types):
  • Your address

  • Your phone number

  • Your name

  • Nature of the call

Trained Emergency Tele-communicators will have a series of questions for you to answer.  These questions do not delay response, they assist responders in being prepared when they get on scene.  If there is a moment of silence, the tele-communicator may be dispatching responders to your residence/business and then will come back on the line with you to obtain additional information. 

Specific information asked for medical emergencies, in addition to the all call type questions, can include (but are not limited to):

  • Age of the patient

  • Gender of the patient

  • Level of consciousness

    • Fully alert 

    • Altered 

    • Unconscious

  • Breathing status

    • Breathing normally

    • Labored breathing

    • Not breathing

  • Chief Complaint - what type of medical emergency (examples below are not all inclusive) 

    • Cardiac issues

    • Diabetic issues

    • Lacerations

    • Difficulty breathing

    • Abdominal  or back pain

Specific information asked for fire emergencies, in addition to the all call type questions, can include (but are not limited to):

  • What is on fire

    • Grass/pasture land/CRP/haybales, etc.

    • Vehicle(s)

    • Structures (residences, businesses, barns, etc.)

  • Is it occupied (for structures and vehicles)

  • Are there any injuries

  • Are flames visible or smoke only (for structures and vehicles)

  • What area are the flames coming from (for structures and vehicles)

  • Approximately how many acres are burning (grass fires)

  • Are there any other structures or vehicles threatened with the fire

  • What utility service provider(s) do you have (for structures) - utility companies are called by the tele-communicator while fire services are en route

Due to the extensive number of law enforcement call types, questions will be dependent on the type of situation being reported and  could not be listed here.

Specific information asked for law enforcement emergencies, in addition to the all call type questions, can include (but are not limited to):

  • Is the situation being reported currently occurring or is it delayed

    • If delayed, how long

  • Are weapons involved

    • If so, what type of weapon(s)

    • Description of the person(s) with the weapon(s)

  • If the situation being reported is an altercation:

    • Are all parties on scene

    • Is it physical or verbal


If you have a life or death emergency or to report crimes in progress, always call 9-1-1!!
Harper County Dispatch & Harper County Jail are the only two numbers answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Other Helpful Numbers



Harper County Emergency Communications maintains a list of local businesses key holders and contact information for the purposes of making emergency notifications. This list is kept confidential and only used when necessary. In order to keep this list current, we are asking all local businesses to submit the information on the following form so that the appropriate party can be contacted in the event of an emergency at your business. If you have questions concerning the validity of this form, please call 620-842-3086.

Submit Your Business Information

In the event of fire or natural disaster, it is essential that first responders are aware of any hazardous materials stored on site.  

Are there any Hazardous Materials stored in/on the property?

Thanks for submitting!

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